David Fischel

Board Chair

David is a retired Pediatrician, who has been happily married to Melanie for almost 49 years. He's the father of two adult children and grandfather to two blossoming adolescents. As a couple, David and Melanie have embraced the experience of being able to participate in short-term volunteer opportunities in various places around the globe. "Most relevant, perhaps, to my serving on the Board of CRC is that I've been a member of this Teton Valley community for over 40 years. In that span of over 4 decades, I've witnessed lots of change in this valley, a great deal of it positive.

I believe that the emergence and growth of the various non-profits has contributed significantly to the positive changes in this valley. Of all the non-profits, the CRC is uniquely focused on "the other" by providing food, shelter, and financial assistance to those in need. I'm honored to have been invited to serve on the Board of an organization that very tangibly demonstrates care and concern for our neighbors."

Billie Siddoway

Vice Chair
Governance Committee

You may remember Billie as the Teton County Prosecuting Attorney starting in 2016, and we are grateful to have her serving on the CRCTV Board of Directors!

Richard Romano


Fund Development Committee

For over 27 years, Rich has served in the financial services industry and is the co-owner and managing partner of ARC Wealth Management based out of Salt Lake City. Rich and his family fell in love with Teton Valley several years ago and hatched a plan to buy a home in the Valley. In 2020, that dream became a reality. After spending most of the last two years here, his love for the valley and those who call it home has only continued to grow.

Rich strongly believes that those who have moved in and become a part of this amazing community should give back to those who make this community work. He and his amazing wife have two very cool adult children. Izzy, who recently moved to Hawaii, and Simon, who lives and plays in the mountain west.

Adam Williamson

Governance Committee Chair

Adam Williamson is a Licensed Clinical Professional Counselor and a Nationally Certified Counselor. He has worked in the field of mental health since 2004. In addition to individual and couples therapy, Adam consults and works with hospitals doing suicide assessments, consultation, and as a designated examiner which includes court testimony in commitment proceedings.

Adam is certified as a Psychological Autopsy Investigator and provides front line service and consultation to individuals and the community at large following a suicide. He works in a private practice in Driggs, Idaho, and at a community mental health agency in Jackson, Wyoming. “I am committed to the overall mental health of our community and honored to be on the board at the CRC of Teton Valley.”

Greta Frohlich

Executive Committee
Fund Development Committee

Greta and her husband have called Teton Valley, ID home for over 15 years. Greta has a great deal of experience in relationship management, sales, and business development through her work as a fishing guide, ski resort director, and non-profit business liaison.

“I am grateful for the opportunity to join the CRC Board and humbled to share a table with staff and board members who are dedicated to improving the well-being of our community and carrying out the mission of the CRC. Program offerings like Food for Good and Quality of Life are providing life-changing and life-saving assistance to individuals and families in our community."

Katie Long

Fund Development Committee Chair

Katie Long has 13 years’ experience working in and working with non-profits. In her more than a decade long nonprofit career she has helped raise more than $45 million and helped create, manage and fundraise for many capital projects, medical equipment and programs. One of the highlights of her career is the success of the Sage Living campaign at St. John’s Health Foundation and the record-setting $19 million philanthropic contributions raised by the foundation from individual donors, foundations and businesses. Katie and her family have called Teton Valley their home for 7 years. Katie is honored to serve on the board of the CRC and proud of the CRC’s commitment to serving the local community by providing essential resources during challenging times.

Diane Green

Governance Committee

Diane has called Teton Valley home for almost 30 years. She retired from a career as a professional educator and now serves this community through her work with the Community Resource Center of Teton Valley. Since Diane married into an historic Teton Valley family, she knows the experiences of newcomers and the stories of valley locals. Diane and her husband farm in Alta where they’ve collectively raised seven children.
“Through my work as an educator, I became acutely aware of the incredible service CRCTV provides to Teton Valley residents through its programming and its dedicated, capable staff. I witnessed the ways CRCTV fulfills its mission through services, events, and tangible resources. What an honor it is to be part of this organization and this purpose!”  

Ruth Lindstedt

Executive Committee
Finance Committee

Teton Valley became Ruth’s home in 2017, though she’d been visiting the Valley for years after her daughter settled here. Ruth is a retired professional nurse and spent most of her career as a staff member and later, administrator of hospice and home care programs in the Midwest. She is also a certified spiritual director. Ruth is very active with St. Francis Episcopal church in Alta and through that association Ruth learned how she could help support the work of the Community Resource Center.

“I have been on the Board of CRC since December of 2019 and am in awe of the commitment and energy of staff to link community residents with resources to overcome crises that present barriers to their continued well-being. The CRC may be a young not-for-profit but its programming and services suggest it already serves a vital role in building resilience of residents to become stable contributors who will enhance the community’s future.

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