Frequently Asked Questions

Feel free to contact us if you still have questions, or need assistance.
Who is eligible?
The CRCTV serves anyone in need. We do not discriminate on the basis of race, color, religion, gender, gender expression, age, national origin, disability, marital status, sexual orientation, or military status, in any of its activities or operations. However, our services are limited to those who live and/or work in Teton Valley (Teton County, ID and Alta, WY).
How quickly is the financial assistance available?
Once you submit an application, we will reach out within 24 hours to schedule a follow up appointment. After we best determine your needs, we will advise what documents must be submitted as well as an expected timeline for assistance. Funding through our Quality of Life Financial Assistance Program is typically disbursed within one week of document submission.
What documents will I need to submit?
The specific documents needed varies based on programming. For financial assistance, we generally need proof of income and documentation of housing (lease, written statement from landlord, or mortgage). Other agency programs may require additional documentation.
Do you provide services in Spanish?
Yes, we have a full time Spanish-speaking case manager on staff.