David Fischel
Board Chair
David is a retired Pediatrician, who has been happily married to Melanie for almost 49 years. He's the father of two adult children and grandfather to two blossoming adolescents. As a couple, David and Melanie have embraced the experience of being able to participate in short-term volunteer opportunities in various places around the globe. "Most relevant, perhaps, to my serving on the Board of CRC is that I've been a member of this Teton Valley community for over 40 years. In that span of over 4 decades, I've witnessed lots of change in this valley, a great deal of it positive.
I believe that the emergence and growth of the various non-profits has contributed significantly to the positive changes in this valley. Of all the non-profits, the CRC is uniquely focused on "the other" by providing food, shelter, and financial assistance to those in need. I'm honored to have been invited to serve on the Board of an organization that very tangibly demonstrates care and concern for our neighbors."